Human Tissue Scatter


From non-invasive procedures to ultra-sensitive diagnostic instrumentation, photonic devices play an indispensable role in today’s biomedical industry. Timely design and delivery to market of these new technologies has been possible only with the aid of sophisticated software tools and experienced optical engineers. Photon Engineering firmly believes that its optical engineering product FRED can help accelerate the pace of innovation in the biomedical community. FRED combines an intuitive graphical user interface with a powerful computational engine capable of satisfying the most demanding requirements.

The relevance of FRED to the biomedical industry can best be expressed by presenting several familiar yet innovative applications such as a gonioscope, laser-induced fluorescence in a capillary, and a human skin model.

Human skin model

Human skin models are valuable aids in the design of non-invasive diagnostic devices and dermatological instruments. FRED offers the Henyey-Greenstein volume scatter model, which is recognized by the biomedical community as representative of scattering in human tissue. The volume scatter model is applied through a material definition in FRED (Figure 1). Once the material is defined, it can be assigned to entities in the model by the drag-&-drop method.

Figure 1. (Left) Defining the Henyey-Greenstein volume scatter model for a new material: top – scattering properties; bottom – absorption properties. (Right) Sample raytrace of a human skin model in FRED.

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