Stepping through a Ray Trace

The following script is provided as an example of stepping a single ray through a ray trace to extract the ray path length and intersection list, much as one might do with the Single Ray Trace tool from the User Interface.

'#Language "WWB-COM"

Option Explicit

'Script to step through a trace one intersection at a time and extract the ray path length and the surface intersected
'Note this method assumes that only one source is active with a single ray defined and no ray splitting occurs during the trace.

Sub Main
	Dim adv As T_ADVANCEDRAYTRACE, ray As T_RAY, sNode As Long, continue As Boolean, n As Long

	'Set up advanced trace to step through the surfaces one intersection at a time
	adv.hitCount = 1
	adv.traceActiveSources = False

	GetRay(n, ray) 			'get the ray (there is only one)
	sNode = ray.entity 	'get the starting ray entity
	Print ""
	Print "Pathlength" & Chr(9) & "Node Name" 'print some headers
	Print ray.pathlength & Chr(9) & GetFullName(ray.entity) ' print starting ray data
	continue = True 	'set condition to enter the loop

	While continue
		AdvancedRaytrace(adv) ' perform the trace
		GetRay(n, ray) ' get the new ray
		If ray.entity <> sNode Then 'test ray has moved to a new surface - if so then print information needed
			Print ray.pathlength & Chr(9) & GetFullName(ray.entity)
			sNode = ray.entity
		Else ' ran out of intersections - exit loop
			continue = False
		End If

End Sub

To test this script we could run it on the tutorialSLRBasic.frd file found in the folder:

\Resources\Samples\Tutorials & Examples

Making sure to change the source definition to be a 1x1 ray grid (i.e. containing only one ray). This system is already set up such that no ray splitting occurs.

The result of executing the script is found in the output window as follows:

Script result printed to the output window

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