Reset coordinate axes drawing

 The script below performs the following tasks:

  1. Loops over all nodes in the Sources, Geometry and Analysis Surface(s) folder and turns off drawing of the local coordinate axes for each node.
  2. Turns on drawing of the coordinate axes for the Geometry folder.

This script can be useful when coordinate axes have been drawn for many nodes within the FRED tree and it is desired to turn the drawing off.  Rather than visiting each node in the tree individually to deactivate the coordinate axes drawing, this script deactivates the coordinate axes drawing in bulk for all nodes.

Sub Main

   'This script will loop over all of the nodes in the Sources, Geometry and Analysis Surface(s) folder and turn off drawing of their local coordinate axes.
   'The local coordinate axes of the Global Coordinate system will be drawn at the end of the script.

    Dim curNode As Long
    For curNode = 1 To GetEntityCount()-1
        SetAxesDrawable( curNode, False )

    'Draw global coordinate axes
    'Geometry folder node = 2
    SetAxesDrawable( 2, True )

End Sub

Download FRED file: resetCoordianteAxesDrawing.frd

Download FRED Script file: resetCoordinateAxesDrawing.frs

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