Outputting data to Microsoft Excel
The example file associated with the Laser Diode to Fiber article includes Embedded Scripts that scan the position/orientation of the fiber and automatically output the data to Microsoft Excel using FRED's COM capability.
There are three Embedded Scripts associated with the attached FRED document:
- Distance Scan
- Lateral Offset Scan
- Tilt Scan
The three scripts are similar to each other: each script adjusts the position of the fiber in user-controlled steps and calculates the coupling efficiency and prints the data to the Output Window and into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
First, input the start and end positions of the fiber and the resolution of the scan. Then, set the exportToExcel flag to True to print the data to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and plot a graph. Define the fiber parameters for the fiber coupling efficiency calculation only.
'***********SCAN SETTINGS************ 'Z-position of the fiber interface startVal = 1.5 endVal = 2.5 resolution = 0.02 exportToExcel = True '***********SCAN SETTINGS************<br>
Before outputting data to Excel, create the Excel Application object ("excelApp"), add a workbook ("excelWB"), and a starting cell location ("excelRange").
If exportToExcel = True Then 'set up Excel Set excelApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") Set excelWB = excelApp.Workbooks.Add Set excelRange = excelWB.ActiveSheet.Cells(1,1) excelApp.Visible = True 'print fiber details and headers to Excel excelRange.Cells(1,1).Value = "Core Index: " excelRange.Cells(1,2).Value = n_core excelRange.Cells(2,1).Value = "Cladding Index: " excelRange.Cells(2,2).Value = n_clad excelRange.Cells(3,1).Value = "Core Radius (um): " excelRange.Cells(3,2).Value = r*1000 excelRange.Cells(5,1).Value = "Distance (mm)" excelRange.Cells(5,2).Value = "Fiber Coupling (%)" excelRange.Cells(5,3).Value = "Power at Fiber (frac)" excelRange.Cells(5,4).Value = "Overlap Coefficient (frac)" cellpos = 5 'Excel row counter End If<br>
The script prints the headers and starts its main "For" loop which:
- alters the position of the fiber
- traces the rays
- calculates the Irradiance & determine the total power
- calculates the fiber coupling coefficient
- calculates the mode power
The script then writes the data to both the Output Window and to Excel. Notice that the cell position is specified for each input.
'print results to Excel If exportToExcel = True Then cellpos = cellpos + 1 excelRange.Cells(cellpos,1).Value = i excelRange.Cells(cellpos,2).Value = modePower * 100 excelRange.Cells(cellpos,3).Value = fiberPower excelRange.Cells(cellpos,4).Value = CE End If<br>
After the simulations are complete, FRED instructs Excel to plot a graph of the data using the following code. The result is shown below (in Excel 2013).
'Now create graph in Excel Set excelChart = excelWB.Charts.Add excelChart.ChartType = 75 'scatter plot excelChart.HasTitle = True excelChart.name = "Fiber Coupling vs Distance" excelChart.ChartTitle.text = "Fiber Coupling vs Distance" excelChart.SetSourceData(excelRange.Range("a5:b"&CStr(cellpos))) excelChart.PlotBy = 2 'plots by columns. excelChart.Axes(1).MinimumScale = startVal excelChart.Axes(1).MaximumScale = endVal excelChart.Axes(1).HasTitle = True excelChart.Axes(1).AxisTitle.text = "Distance (mm)" excelChart.Axes(2).HasTitle = True excelChart.Axes(2).AxisTitle.text = "Fiber Coupling (%)" excelChart.Location 2, "Sheet1"<br>
The final step is to close the Excel application and clean up the variables.
'Excel clean up Set excelRange = Nothing Set excelWB = Nothing Set excelApp = Nothing
Associated FRED file: Laser Diode to Fiber Coupling Analysis.frd